
西餐配薯菜, 中餐送飯一流! 只要你家中有個焗爐就可以啦~ 簡單又美味!

Ingredients 材料:
Pork spare ribs 豬肋骨 400g

Seasoning 醃料:
Water 水 Just a little
Soy sauce 生抽 3 tsp
Mashed ginger 薑蓉 2 tsp
Shao Hsing Hua Tiao Chiew 紹興酒 1 tsp
Chinese bean sauce 原豉醬 1 tsp
Char Siu sauce 叉燒醬 2 tbsp

Method 做法:
1)Wash and drain the ribs before seasoning, mix in all the seasoning, put into the fridge for over night (at least 2 hours). 豬肋骨洗淨瀝乾水份,拌入醃料攪拌,醃過夜(最少醃兩小時)。
2)Preheat oven 180c/ 350F, prepare double layer foil, pour the rest of the sauce onto the ribs and wrap it up with foil, place the ribs in an oven pan. 預熱焗爐180c/350F,準備兩層錫紙放上豬肋骨,淋上剩餘醃料,錫紙包好,放於焗盤上。
3)Grill 20mins. Remove one layer of the foil after, turnover the ribs, grill 15mins with unwrap, turnover again and adding honey then grill for 5mins, then it’s done. 焗20分鐘。拿走其中一張錫紙,打開錫紙反轉肉排再焗15分鐘,掃上蜜糖,再焗5分鐘即成。



The Razzle Rose





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